We listened to Ekobioset, an effective method in the fight against Sapling Wolf, from Bioglobal's chairman, Özgür ATEŞ.
The chances of success are very limited, even if it is applied many times, especially due to the low and short-term effect of chemical drugs against underground pests. In the event that the pest settles especially in the inner part of the root, by chemical methods control it makes your chances even more difficult.
Ekobioset , latin name Capnodis spp. is a biological plant protection product (BKU) that is effective against the larvae of sapling bottomworms.
Sapling Bottom Wolf (Capnodis) is an important pest that causes serious economic damage to willow, cheetah, idris, fig and lamb ears, especially hard-core (apricot, plum, peach, cherry, nectarine), hard-shelled (almond, pistachio) and soft-core (apple, pear) fruit trees. Apart from small nurseries, especially in large fruit plantations, it is a very important pest that causes the gradual drying death of trees in as little as 2-5 years.
Bottomworm larvae in the soil open galleries under the tree root bark, filling it with dirt and sawdust. Bottomworm larvae feed on time, gnawing on the cambium layer. Increasingly, it damages the bundles of transmission of the tree and limits the intake of nutrients from the soil of the tree. Over time, they stop trees from growing first by slowing them down. control if not, it will cause the tree to dry out completely over time and subsequently die.
Dipworm adults, on the other hand, damage the trees by eating their vaccine eyes and fresh leaves. They also lay their eggs in the vaccination places of the tree. Hatched larvae also prevent the tree from holding vaccines.
Ekobioset BME against Capnodis (Sapling Bottom Wolf) in pistachio, Almond, Apricot, Cherry, Peach, Plum and Apple trees (biological control is licensed as a factor).
With the Entomo Pathogen Nematode (EPN) it contains, it successfully infects the larvae of Capnodis (Sapling DipWorm) control facilities are provided.