Vitormone PLUS, the microbial foliar fertilizer in a liquid formulation, does no harm to nature and leaves no residue on the plant. For this reason, it is also suitable for use in organic agriculture.
Vitormone contains azotobacter bacteria® which are found in dormant form. Useful baccalaureacy increases vegetative development in the plant, increases the yield by increasing the attitude of flowers and fruits.positively affects the balance of beneficial-harmful microorganisms in the leaf face.
It is a completely natural, ecologically balanced product that does not harm people, animals and plants and can also be used in organic agriculture and does not have residue problems.
Vitormone PLUS contains Azotobacter bacteria in dormant form. After applications, dormant bacteria become active on the leaf.
Using the carbon present in the leaf, it converts the nitrogen of the air in the atmosphere into the form that the plant can use and allows the plant to feed on the leaf.
Plant growth regulators (giberellik acid, cytoquinin, oxycin, IAA), which are beneficial for plants, naturally secrete vitamins (group B, C and E) and antifungal metabolites, ensuring the balance of growth and development of the plant.
Azotobacters partially prevent damage to other harmful pathogens by covering the leaf and thanks to the antibiotics they secrete.
Vitormone Plus pH operates in the range of 5.5-9.5.
Vegetative development period = 100 mL/100L
Flower attitude period = 100 mL/100L
Fruit attitude period = 100 mL/100L
During vegetative development, starting after planting, application should be carried out during the periods of flowering and the first fruit attitude.
It has a wide range of uses.
Vineyard, peach, apricot, tomato (in greenhouse and outdoor), cherry, apple, citrus, pomegranate, cucumber, olive, wheat, strawberry, melon/watermelon, pepper, lettuce, spinach, eggplant, cotton, paddy, potatoes, artichokes, grass, etc.
It can be mixed with all chemicals (including insecticides and fungicides) except fertilizers and drugs with high copper content.